The Pain Podcast (Episode 4): Challenging Yourself

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Chronic Pain Podcast

Zoha Iman | Podcast Host at Leva Clinic

First Published 12/7/2021

Last Updated 4/18/2023

In this extended Christmas special episode, Zoha and Chris talk to the chairman of Action on Pain, Ian Semmons, and his wife Judith, a pain specialist physiotherapist; their son Thomas also joins the episode to give a holistic perspective on what it’s like to live with someone who has chronic pain.

“The biggest thing [is] that I still have skills and abilities, and that I’d need to use them in different ways.” Ian

Ian has been dealing with chronic pain for more than 30 years and, during this ever-evolving journey, he has sought many different ways to live better with the pain. He highlights the importance of discovering a pain clinic; it taught him about the implications of living with chronic pain and “broaden the mind” and he sees his interaction with the pain clinic as a “turning point”.

“I was lucky in some senses because it meant that [my dad] was around a lot more.” Thomas

Thomas enters the episode and gives his experience on growing up with his dad. Whilst he did notice some differences in his dad (being unable to play football with the other fathers), Thomas now attributes his thoughtful attitude to accessibility from always considering his father when on family outings.

“If you get the opportunity to help others, you really should do [it].” Thomas

With Thomas now a qualified police officer, it is clear to see the impact that Ian has had on his son’s life. They both serve the community as ian chairs the charity Action on Pain, which has helped thousands of people across the globe who are in similar situations to him.

“There’s greater emphasis on empowering patients.” Judith

Judith, a pain specialist physiotherapist, divulges on the ways that chronic pain management has evolved over the years that she has been working in the field. Her and Ian have been working with Action on Pain since they founded it in 1998.

“It gives me a purpose in life. You feel part of the community; you feel part of life.” Ian

Action on Pain has built a reputation in the chronic pain sphere as being an honest and passionate charity that helps people gain a realistic understanding on how to navigate life with chronic pain, with people praising it around the world.

“Sod it Day is where you go out and challenge your pain… you probably pay the price for it but you have a heck of a good time!” Ian

One of the highlights of this episode was the family’s determination to experience all of life despite chronic pain – with Ian even having gone white water-rafting in the past! The

reasoning behind these decisions has been so that the memories of such fun experiences will help the family get through the rougher days.

“I’m not marrying a person living with chronic pain, I’m marrying a person with a personality and a brain and other things that attract you.” Judith

Judith reminds us that people with chronic pain are so much more than just their pain: a particularly pertinent point to remember this winter season.

The Pain Podcast is available for free on Spotify and Apple Music 

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