Our manifesto
What we stand for and what we won't stand for in the interest of patients.

You deserve more than just medication
We understand that pain goes beyond the prescription pad. We won't rush for quick fixes. Pain is complex; it wears different masks for each individual and there is no one-size-fits-all solution.
Just look at opiates: they’re widely prescribed but often prove inadequate. One medication may work for one person but not the next with the same condition.
While pain starts with pain it doesn’t stop there. Family, work, finances, emotional wellbeing are bound up. Throw unhelpful painkillers into the mix and matters might be made worse.
While novel medication such as medical cannabis is available, it should be one part of a wider care plan.
We take all of this into account and treat you as a person living with pain with an opportunity to change your life - and not just an opportunity to write a prescription.

Medical cannabis is a stepping stone, not a lifelong commitment
For some, medical cannabis can be safe, effective form of pain relief. As part of a wider treatment plan our patients have reported a remarkable 94% improvement in pain severity, with 59% completely ceasing their use of opioids.
But let's face it, continuing a private prescription longer than necessary isn’t in your interests. The ultimate victory is when you no longer feel reliant on more medication than is necessary - of any kind - to manage your pain, which not only provides lasting relief but also saves you money.

That’s why we use the space created by medical cannabis to address the root causes of pain, to build your confidence up until you feel ready to reduce medication. Our approach not only ensures your well-being but also helps you save money, avoiding the need for medication longer than necessary.

You’re in control of your journey
You're not just another prescription opportunity; you're an individual with unique needs and goals. We'll provide you with all the options and help you make the right choices, considering the intricate nature of chronic pain. It's your life, your goals that guide us, not just the immediate outcome of an appointment.
You set the pace, and we'll give you the tools and support to get there. With a multidisciplinary team of the UK's most reputable pain specialists by your side and a pain management programme used by the NHS, you're in capable hands.

Your health is not a commodity
In our eyes, your pain is more than just a physical ailment – it's about the quest for answers. You may have struggled to feel heard and validated by healthcare services, or made to feel like your pain is dismissed as being 'in your head'.
Or perhaps you don't see why it's worth paying for a private medical appointment and see it as a hurdle to getting medication.

We offer a different experience. We respect the fact that you're investing your time and money in our specialists, and we promise to make every appointment count. Our clinicians come with impeccable credentials and a reputation for truly understanding pain - including conditions often overlooked.
This is crucial, especially when reducing prescription painkillers. You deserve to feel safe, with the process carried out correctly to minimise side effects, all while keeping your GP in the loop.

No-one should be in unnecessary pain longer than is necessary
We aim to make the best of innovative private healthcare accessible and affordable, without unnecessary expenses or wait times. Our commitment is to keep you from inconveniences like travel to physical locations.
We rely on proven treatments and quickly integrate promising emerging therapies, all grounded in the latest pain science.
We act in collaboration with our patient advisory board, whose voice helps us ensure fewer people experience unnecessary pain longer than is necessary.

We should win the approval of those around you
We treat medical cannabis with the same seriousness as traditional medication. Your safety and care are our utmost priorities, and we promise to provide clarity, not innuendo. You should feel comfortable telling those around you about us, not embarrassed.

Our mission is a long-term one. We aim to change the lives of the 12 million individuals who grapple with significant pain, including the estimated 4-5 million people prescribed painkillers (that in some cases might actually be doing more harm than good).
In simple terms, we're here to reduce the impact of your pain, reduce your reliance on medication and help you regain your life.
This is our promise and this is our manifesto.