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Medical Cannabis UK FAQs

Find answers to the questions that come up most often.

Medical Cannabis defined

What is medical cannabis?

Medical cannabis refers to cannabis when used for medical purposes. Medical cannabis was legalised in the UK in 2018 under certain circumstances.

It's only available to address specific conditions that haven't responded to other treatments. It can only be prescribed by a doctor listed on the 'Specialist Register' of the General Medical Council.

Medical cannabis in the UK is most commonly prescribed in the form of oils or flowers. Prescriptions can only be purchased through a licensed pharmacy.

Medical cannabis

How many people use medical cannabis in the UK?

It's thought that there are roughly 20,000 people in the UK who are using medical cannabis as of March 2023. Perhaps as many as 1.8m people self-medicate on the black market.

The number of people using it is likely to increase as awareness grows among patients and doctors.

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Medical Cannabis efficacy

How does medical cannabis work?
What conditions can medical cannabis help?
What conditions does Leva Clinic prescribe medical cannabis for?
Is medical cannabis truly effective? Do people see improvement in their symptoms with medical cannabis?
What evidence is there for medical cannabis in the UK?
How long does medical cannabis take to take effect?
How long does the effect of medical cannabis last?
How does UK medical cannabis differ from pain medication prescription drugs?
What is the difference between CBD I find in shops and medical cannabis?

Medical Cannabis UK legality

Who can legally provide medical cannabis in the UK?
Is medical cannabis legal in the UK?
What are the laws around driving and using medical cannabis?
What is the difference between medical and recreational cannabis?

We combine Medical Cannabis with care

Challenge your assumptions and discover how for some it can be an accessible, safe and effective form of pain relief.

Insurance for UK Medical Cannabis

Does health insurance cover medical cannabis?

Common UK Medical Cannabis concerns

Can I take medical cannabis with other pain medication?
Will medical cannabis make me feel 'high'?
Are there any potential side effects of medical cannabis?
Will the medical cannabis flower have a strong smell?
Can I continue to take illicit/street/home-grown cannabis alongside medical cannabis prescribed by Leva Clinic?
Can I take my UK medical cannabis abroad?
Will medical cannabis affect memory and cognitive function?
Can medical cannabis be addictive?
What are the risks associated with using medical cannabis in the UK?
What are the different forms of medical cannabis?
Which vaporiser will I need for my medical cannabis?
How much does UK medical cannabis cost?
How to get medical cannabis in the UK
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Our team are happy to answer. Email or call us on 020 3868 2802 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.

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